Băuturi răcoritoare

Ganocafe 3 in 1

Ganoderma coffee with sugar and powdered milk

Fresh de catina cu miere si ghimbir

Suc natural de catina,miere,ghimbir,apa alcalina Kangen

Fresh de catina cu miere

Suc natural de catina,miere de albine,apa alcalina Kangen

Homemade Kombucha

Ingredients: green tea leaves infused in spring water, honey/invert sugar, kombucha culture, preservative free, unpasteurized.

Coffee with ginseng

Ingrediente – lapte degresat, cafea solubila, caramel, sirop glucoză, aromă, extract ginseng.

GanoCafe Classic

Ingrediente – extract de Ganoderma Lucidum, cafea, cacao si zahăr de trestie.

GanoCafe Mocha

Ingrediente – extract de Ganoderma Lucidum, cafea, cacao, lapte degresat si zahăr de trestie.