
Power Toast

Ingrediente: paine cu maia prajita,hummus cu sfecla rosie coapta,avocado,ou fiert cu turmeric,branza feta,ulei masline.

Sunshine Nourish Bowl

Ingrediente:quinoa,pleurotus copt,avocado,ruccola,hummus cu sfecla coapta,branza feta,dressing de rodie cu miere.

Cos de paine prajita

Cos cu 8 triunghiuri de paini toast delicioase,care completeaza perfect orice element din meniu.

Toasty Mushroom Affair

Un toast delicios cald servit cu sos de rosii de casa,care iti va incanta papilele gustative!
Ingrediente:paine toast,pleurotus copt,mozzarella,blue cheese,nuci coapte,sos,soia,usturoi,ceapa,rosii cherry,ulei,sare,piper.

Sweet Beet and Almond Crunch

O gustare sanatoasa cu sfecla rosie coapta,iaurt aromatizat si migdale caramelizate!
Ingrediente: sfecla rosie coapta,iaurt grecesc,ulei masline extravirgin,lamaie,mente,migdale,zahar,sare,piper,paine prajita.

Garden Gala

Salata delicioasa cu proschiutto crudo,sfecla coapta,gorgonzola,ruccola si pere, cu un dressing de ulei de masline extravirgin,sare,piper,lamaie si busuioc.

Feta Cloud And Cherry Confit

Servit alaturi cu paine proaspat prajita este o combinatie perfecta,ce incanta toate simturile! Ingrediente:crema feta cu iaurt,rosii cherry coapte,usturoi confiat,busuioc,ulei extravirgin de masline,otet balsamic,sare,piper,flaky salt.

Cream of celery soup with black tea and roasted pistachios.

Classic celery cream soup makes a surprisingly good combination with black tea and roasted pistachios, both baked in the oven. It is served with toasted bread.
Ingredients: celery, onion, potatoes, organic black tea, pistachios, plant-based cream, salt, pepper, toasted bread

Infinitea Apertizer

Mozzarella balls with matcha dressing, mixed olives and dried tomatoes, guacamole with matcha, crackers